Ship Design & Construction


This publication contains the proceedings of the Eighth International Practical Ship Design Symposium which was held some years back in China. The author has collected the most important and relevant materials presented in the course of the subject symposium. The main aim of that world experts meeting was to discuss the latest advances in the field of ship design as well as professional disciplines, to exchange the knowledge and experience and promote further discussions.

The materials are arranged in three sections. The first section covers the design synthesis for the ships and floating systems, including life cycle cost considerations, optimization tools, parametric ship hull form design, impact loads, CFD tools used for the wave cancellation optimization, probabilistic analysis tools, and many other issues. The second part deals with the production and covers the composite materials, newly introduced production systems, welding distortions, innovations etc.

The last chapter is devoted to the hydromechanics and deals with the viscous flow and associated calculations, wash and wave resistance, simulation techniques, flow behavior, parametric studies, experimental and numerical evaluations, ship model tests, continuous wavelet transform and many others interesting topics.

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The content of this publication prepared by the group of leading experts is intended to describe toe newly introduced methods applied to model the machine dynamics used in today’s offshore industry. Subject methods are normally based on the rigid FEM (i.e. finite element method) – this method is utilized when addressing the link deformations. In addition, they are also based on the homogeneous transformations – in turn, this one would be applicable to the dynamics of the multi-body system.

The authors of this book provide a good introduction to both methods so that the readers can have a clear idea of the associated principles. The models that are selected to model the above mentioned dynamics are subsequently verified through the special FEM-based software. Some of the additional calculation methods are also applied.

The math models of the offshore machines, for example the BOP gantry crane, or the machinery used for laying pipes, have been included by the authors to better illustrate the theory. Additionally, selected numerical operation simulations have also been provided. The publication will of particular interest to the designers of the various offshore facilities.

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The book shall be looked at as a truly comprehensive professional treatment of the MMS, standing for the marine mooring systems, that are commonly involved in such critically important processes as offshore oil exploration and mineral recovery. The author has covered such topics as the stability analysis of the flexible riser systems, robust adaptive control, non-linear dynamic modeling and many others.

The book shall be treated as a very authoritative reference on the control and dynamics of the marine mooring systems. The readers of this book will gain a full picture of these systems and also will get much better understanding of the effective technical considerations and solutions to the problems usually arising from dealing with MMS.

The text of the volume provides a complete coverage of the dynamical analysis/control for MMS, newly obtained results of the installation, riser and mooring systems plus general modeling methods, approximation-based schemes of control by means of the neutral networks etc.

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In the recent decades, there was so much of research activities conducted with the intention to get the structural analysis and design significantly improved. Most of them were addressing the hull girder strength using the finite element method more effectively. Taking into account that the ship structures are very complex, we will have to pay special attention to the interaction of the above mentioned strength with the local strength of the ship.

The structural elements of the hull are normally subjected to the stresses of different types including residual and fabrication stresses. This volume will cover the aspects of analysis and design of the ship structures not addressed earlier. The author has addressed a complex areas of the structural design, presenting it to the readers in a suitable manner that will make it easier to follow for the practicing engineers and students.

The content will present serious practical value due to the material contained and dealing with the torsion ad shear loading/stresses - this will present some additional interest to the naval architects. Numerous solved and unsolved problems have been included to supplement the theoretical information.

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Nowadays HPMVs, i.e. high performance marine vehicles are ranging from the fast ferries of high-speed navy crafts. In the list of contemporary HPMVs there are hydroplanes and powerboats, hovercrafts, hydrofoils and other vehicles.

The present publication is addressing the main technical concepts of these vehicles, discussing the historical background and design features plus all services that have proven successful; moreover, it also touches some of the concepts that were not too successful.

Some particular attention has been paid by the author to the aero-marine interface technology, explanation of the historical developments oh high power vehicles, and the discussion of the different types of vehicles including pleasure and racing crafts, ferries, military missions etc.

The full range of HPMV concepts has been covered. In short, this is an ideal source of information to naval architects and marine engineers, both students and practicing pro's, and not only to them - the way information is presented makes it readable and understandable even to the people without extensive experience in the field.

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The present volume will offer its reader an excellent introduction to the very fundamental processes and also important systematic methodologies that are normally employed in the popular and effective computational approaches to the design of ships. The authors of the book are taking a detailed approach providing detailed descriptions of the relevant theories and definition of the problems, selection of the algorithms and math formulations etc.

The content of the publication is covering the whole ship design process starting from description of the basic theories and up to the latest applications. While the opening chapter is dealing with the basic models and equations of the ship design together with the freeboard calculations, hull resistance and powering of the ship, the other chapters are covering ship propeller design and ship hull form, selection of the engine, structural design and other relevant aspects.

The last two chapters address the operating ship design and consider the economic factors such as fuel consumption and construction cost. The volume is reflecting the huge practical experience of the authors in the field of ship design and s therefore recommended to any person engaged in the shipbuilding.

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The correct and accurate prediction of the growth of fatigue cracks occurring under particular service conditions is important for those concerned with the application of tolerance-related design philosophy to the design of various marine structures. The people have realized that the method of predicting the fatigue life basing on the FCP theory, standing for the fatigue crack propagation, may be applied to explain the fatigue phenomena commonly observed.

The present publication is addressing the issues that are leading towards the UFLP method - its philosophy, in turn, may serve as a basis to resolve the existing inconsistency between the fatigue design of the structures and their inspection. The content of the book reflect s all latest developments in fatigue studies including those by the authors.

It has been intentionally designed to guide the future directions and provide practically useful instrument. The book shall be used by the naval architects and engineers plus all people involved in fatigue prevention design of the marine structures, their maintenance, periodical inspection and repairs, as well as in the development of the relevant rules and regulations.

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The original and main intent of the author of this book was to provide all interested readers with the general idea of the different types of geometries of the offshore platforms. The content of the book is covering the environmental loads commonly encountered by the offshore platforms as well as the detailed technical description of the basics of structural dynamics presented in a very easy-to-follow manner.

The author has emphasized the fundamental concepts of the structural dynamics through the simple and understandable real life examples and exercises. Each of the chapters has tutorials and is supplemented by the exercises included for self-learning and tracking of the progress. There is a separate chapter fully dedicated to the stochastic dynamics included in the book in order to help students in extending the basic structural dynamics concepts to the advanced research domain.

In short we may say that the present informative and practical volume will definitely prove very useful for all consulting and practicing structural engineers working on the offshore projects as well as for the students, scientists and researchers...

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