This publication contains the proceedings of the Eighth International Practical Ship Design Symposium which was held some years back in China. The author has collected the most important and relevant materials presented in the course of the subject symposium. The main aim of that world experts meeting was to discuss the latest advances in the field of ship design as well as professional disciplines, to exchange the knowledge and experience and promote further discussions.
The materials are arranged in three sections. The first section covers the design synthesis for the ships and floating systems, including life cycle cost considerations, optimization tools, parametric ship hull form design, impact loads, CFD tools used for the wave cancellation optimization, probabilistic analysis tools, and many other issues. The second part deals with the production and covers the composite materials, newly introduced production systems, welding distortions, innovations etc.
The last chapter is devoted to the hydromechanics and deals with the viscous flow and associated calculations, wash and wave resistance, simulation techniques, flow behavior, parametric studies, experimental and numerical evaluations, ship model tests, continuous wavelet transform and many others interesting topics.