Ship Design & Construction


One of the most popular publications devoted to the structural design of marine structures. It may definitely be treated as a practically useful and very wide-ranging guidebook to the structural design and analysis. The author has managed to describe in detail the established principles of structural engineering that are in common use today together with their practical applications to the design of the various marine and offshore facilities.

The content has been arranged in five major sections covering the fundamental principles of structural design, fatigue, fracture and strength of the structures, reliability of the structures and risk assessment principles. the book is expected to provide all required technical knowledge for the design and assessment of the marine and offshore structures.

Needless to say that this publication is a sort of must-read for all persons dealing with the design of the marine structures and associated analysis. The way the information is presented and theory is explained by the author makes the content understandable for all categories of readers, from students of marine design to the professionals engaged in the real design and analysis activities.

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The content of the publication was prepared to guide the practicing naval architects and students of naval architecture from the original theoretical principles of control surface operation up to the use of the various empirical and experimental data as well as the applied CFD modeling of the ship rudders and control surfaces.

The methods that are commonly applied to the control surface design have been described in this publication in detail and their application to the particular design cases has been clearly explained. All of the design procedures covered have been supplemented with numerous informative working examples. In fact, this is the only publication available today on the subject, and it will provide readers with the valuable technical information related to the theoretical and practical design which will be particularly useful to the engineers and designers.

The text of the volume has been accompanied with the online database of the information obtained in the course of the experiments. Please have a close look in this book especially if you are engaged in the design of marine rudders or planning to get involved in the design and engineering activities.

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This book should definitely be recommended to the beginners studying ship dynamics as well as to many practicing ship designers who are in doubt about the fundamentals of ship dynamics. The author of the volume has used very simple language when explaining the basics of the subject in order to make the complex nature of vessel behaviors easily understood by the people without serious theoretical knowledge and experience.

The text of the book has been supplemented with many practical calculations. The book may actually be used even by the people having no idea about the ship dynamics - anyone can start learning using this volume and get to quite serious level. The formulas that have been given for the vessel motion responses under the various conditions of the sea have been found to be very authentic and matching to the results commonly obtained using the expensive computer software...

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Nowadays, composites are extensively used in various marine applications. The glass reinforced resins are in quite considerable use in boats, yachts and even some ships; however, as a rule, they are not too highly loaded. However, for several new fields like offshore energy there is a huge demand for the high load-bearing structures that shall survive extremely harsh environmental conditions for dozens of years.

That is where the high-performance composite materials are proposed. The present volume will provide a good technical overview of the methods of predicting the durability of marine structures made of the composite materials. The author has covered the modeling water diffusion, accelerated testing, damaged that is commonly induced by the water, in-service experience as well as the other aspects considered important.

This book gives the fundamental knowledge and shall therefore be considered essential reading for all people involved with composite construction materials in the marine and offshore industry, from the design and calculation stage up to the manufacture of the structures and their service exploitation. Note that most of the info contained in this volume is nearly unavailable elsewhere...

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We highly recommend you to try this training resource if you are a naval architect or ship constructor or any other person dealing with the ship structure. The content of this training course covering the ship hull structures was specifically developed by the specialists of DNV, one of the leading class societies in the world.

Trainees who have satisfactorily completed this course, will get all necessary technical knowledge of the fundamental ship hull strength and will gain thorough understanding of how to perform the inspections of the hull correctly.

The main intention of the developers of this course was to explain the basics of the ship hull structure to all technical personnel working on board the vessels or stationed ashore, and they have been considered the target audience for this training course. Particular focus has been made on the bulk carriers and oil tankers.

Start working with this course and you will see that once even the first part of it has been completed, you will much better understand the behavior of loaded simple beams with corresponding shear forces/moments, the applicable local/global loads acting on the vessel hull girder and some other fundamental things. And then, proceeding from one part to another, you will improve your skills and knowledge...

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The book is dedicated to the marine structures and addresses the most important aspects of their analysis and technical design. The authors of the present publication containing the papers presented in the course of the MARSTRUCT 2009, are exploring the very recent developments, in fact the same way they do it in the "Advances in Marine Structures" publication.

The content of the work is arranged in a same way. The book is recommended to all persons involved in the design and analysis of various offshore structures and shall be used as a valuable source of reference information by the students, practicing offshore engineers and other professionals.

Again, among the topics covered there are strength assessment, load effects, fabrication of the marine structures together with the materials used for fabrication, structural reliability of the structures, as well as various environmental and safety matters.

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In the recent decades we could witness quite significant technological advances in establishing and developing the new modeling procedures and methods for conducting the structural assessment of the marine structures. Some of the assessment methods have been incorporated into the methods commonly used for the analysis and design of the efficient vessel structures.

The present publication is also dealing with the fabrication of such structures and contains the papers which have been formally presented in the course of the Third MARSTRUCT held in Hamburg in 2011. The content of the book has been arranged in six sections, covering the tools and methods for strength assessment and establishing loads and their effects, experimental analysis of marine structures, their fabrication, structural reliability of those structures, structural design, optimization, safety issues and protection of the environment.

The book is intended for use in scientific organizations, universities, class societies, by ship designers, owners and all people involved in the design analysis of the marine structures. It will also be useful for the people willing to keep in the loop of the latest technical happenings.

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