One of the most popular publications devoted to the structural design of marine structures. It may definitely be treated as a practically useful and very wide-ranging guidebook to the structural design and analysis. The author has managed to describe in detail the established principles of structural engineering that are in common use today together with their practical applications to the design of the various marine and offshore facilities.
The content has been arranged in five major sections covering the fundamental principles of structural design, fatigue, fracture and strength of the structures, reliability of the structures and risk assessment principles. the book is expected to provide all required technical knowledge for the design and assessment of the marine and offshore structures.
Needless to say that this publication is a sort of must-read for all persons dealing with the design of the marine structures and associated analysis. The way the information is presented and theory is explained by the author makes the content understandable for all categories of readers, from students of marine design to the professionals engaged in the real design and analysis activities.