

Steel design

Author(s) William T. Segui
Publisher CL Engineering
Date 2007
Pages 704
Format pdf
Size 16.6 Mb







The readers involved in steel design and construction have appreciated the content of this informative title and have found it simply excellent. The publication was worked out by William Segui giving students and professionals all required knowledge that is covering the critical aspects of the steel design process with the particular emphasis made on the design steel members together with their connections.

Segui has designed this book in such manner that would allow the instructors to teach ASD, LRFD (or both), bearing in mind that there is only minor conceptual difference between them. He has made a very good job attempting to simplify the complex topics plus design procedures. This is definitely a best option for the persons who want to study the underlying theoretical principles plus the fundamental mechanics of the steel members.

All complicated topics have been clearly explained and the author made them quite easy to be understood even for the persons without any specific background or professional experience. Talking about clarity, there is no any other textbook that could be comparable to "Steel Design". We do recommend this volume to a broad audience since the explanations of various theoretical topics have been presented in a very accessible manner. The theoretical chapters are supplemented with many examples all of which, in turn, are thoroughly explained.

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