
Most of the planet's surface is covered by the ocean waters. Many of the important aspects of our day-to-day activities may easily be affected by the waves in one of another way. And sometimes the waves can result in disasters, such as the tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean some years ago. This demonstrate how critical it is for the people to thoroughly understand the ocean waves paying particular attention to the large waves.

One of the ways to get to this understanding is to conduct the numerical simulation on the basis of the non-linear theory. There have been several serious researches in this field in the past decades by the development of the different numerical methods and their application to the emerging problems; however, there has been no comprehensive volume that would reflect those advances. This book should bridge the subject gap. It consists of the eighteen self-contained chapters worked out by more than fifty professional authors from twelve different countries, with most of the authors being the world recognized experts in the field.

The content of each chapter is mainly based on the researches conducted by the authors. Altogether the chapters of the book are dealing with the literally all numerical methods currently employed to the simulation of the non-linear water waves, covering most of the interesting and important applications.

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Here is the sixth release of the world known reference guide used to order the items commonly used on board marine vessels - maybe the most popular in the marine industry. The present guide has been specifically designed to be equally easily understood by and friendly to the people belonging to the different cultures and different native language, and one of the aims of the document is to promote the business between all such people.

The items contained within this volume have all been coded and supplemented with the informative illustrations for their easier identification between the crew members, owner of the ship and suppliers. Needless to say that the Guide is the absolutely must have item for any ship supplier. Note that the person dealing with the ordering of the products, shall clearly specify the code number, description of the product, unit and, finally, the quantity to be ordered, to avoid any sort of misunderstandings.

Traditionally, IMPA Guide is deservedly considered the marine industry standard for the ship supply chain. This sixth edition includes more than three thousand new codes bringing the total number of the products to well above forty thousand. The ever-growing content of the publication has been aligned with all relevant technological advances. Numerous completely new lines were added in order to duly reflect the changing demands of the shipping industry. In short, this is an invaluable reference source for all players of the commercial shipping.

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An excellent title delineating a comprehensive theory and providing the foundation required to build a good math basis to perform the analysis of a model of a physical systems under vibration. The volume is illustrating how exactly the physics of the problem in question is utilized for the development of the more specific analytical framework.

The author of this volume has elucidated a general basic theory which would apply to continuous/discrete systems and also includes proofs of the important results, particularly ones instructive for the proper understanding of the result. The volume starts with the discussion of the physics of systems consisting of the particles and rigid/deformable bodies together with the physics and math for analysis of the single freedom degree systems.

He has also illustrated the analysis and development of the linear operations commonly used in solving numerous problems and formulating the equations that do govern the responses of the non-linear systems in terms of different operators. The author has also paid particular attention to the free response of the above mentioned systems and non-self-adjoin systems and explored the proven and effective methods of the correct determination of the forced response plus the approximate solutions methods for continuous systems.​

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Here is an excellent manual for the boat owners and marine technicians prepared by Ed Sherman. The declared intention of the author, who is the senior writer of the American Boat & Yacht Council, was to provide readers with necessary knowledge on the proper troubleshooting of the modern complex electrical systems installed on boats and protect such electronic installation from the interference.

The readers of this book will also get to know how to eliminate various charging and starting problems, and how to track down the wide range of wiring, grounding, bonding, and corrosion problems. We would treat it as the top notch for every advance amateur electrical do-it-yourself boater. Though it is not too big and thick, this book is densely packed and full of valuable technical information related to the corrosion, RFI, electrical leakage and other important issues requiring the immediate attention of the persons handling and maintaining the boat. It features very good and high-quality graphics and images.

It is not actually a primer on electronics but rather perfect textbook for those who have some fundamental understanding of electricity. Do not miss this one - you know, boats always have some electrical issues and you' better get prepared to fix them yourself.

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The main purpose of the present publication was to assist all navigators to acquire and further maintain a higher level of knowledge relating to the content and use of the electronic navigation charts in ECDIS. The content of the volume is expected to supplement and reinforce the elements of the ECDIS training addressing the use of navigation chart data together with the interpretation.

Note that the book is not intended to replace any of the requirements for the professional training outlined in the IMO Model Course of the Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention. The whole process of navigating using the ECDIS fundamentally differs from the regular navigation by means of the paper charts. The ECDIS present the mariners with highly flexible displays offering a serious increase in the safety and situational awareness. Such equipment should actually allow for more time for the watchkeepers to properly maintain visual watch.

Note, however, that in case the navigators do not have a full understanding of the ECDIS display and settings, they can easily misinterpret the chart displays and this can result in the safety of the ship compromised. This publication shall also be included in the list of the documents that are to be on the shelf of any mariner and on the navigation bridge of any vessel equipped with the ECDIS, for training and reference purposes.

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This encoding guide was released with the intention to provide users of the electronic charts with the detailed guidance on what exactly is necessary to produces a good uniform and consistent IENC. For all of the classes and attributes together with their values used with an IENC, this guide will provide a basis for its establishment, and also provide description of its relationship to the real life entity.

The book will also provide required criteria for the proper use of inland ENC and give the specific examples of encoding supplemented with the graphic data. The guide covers all minimum objects to be contained in IENC, such as the waterway bank, channel boundaries, isolated dangers, officially released aids to navigation, contours of the existing dams and locks, waterway axis etc. In addition to all above requirements, the present guide covers recommended objects, plus attributes and values considered suitable for any IENC worldwide. Each country or geographical region defines which of them will be necessary to meet local requirements.

Note that this is a living document; it means that its content is subject to modifications done in order to accommodate the development of the future IENC. Two fundamental procedures have been established to making the amendments to this title, the one addresses the proposals for new and copied object classes/attributes/attribute values while the second one covers other changes.

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The compilation of applicable regulations released by the BG Verkehr. The content of the booklet is arranged in seventeen chapter. First chapter contains the general regulations, it provides the scope of application and definitions, describes the general duties of the employees and of insured persons, and also gives some instructions for the implementation.

The second chapter contains basic provisions while the third chapters is dedicated to the occupational physicians and also experts for the occupational safety. The next chapter is dealing with the special installation, their construction and equipment, plus operational requirement. The fifth chapter is addressing the hull equipment together with the construction and equipment. This one is followed by the chapter focusing on the machinery and electrical installations plus applicable operational requirements.

Remaining chapters of the publication cover the hazardous materials, fire protection and protection against excessive noise and mechanical vibration, catering and galley, closing devices such as shell doors, hatches and ramps, cargo handling arrangements and lifting devices, handling of the dangerous goods, fishing vessels, including stability, fire protection, lifesaving arrangements, mechanical/electrical, fishing and special equipment, diving work, tankers and passenger vessels, medical measures.

The final chapter of the book is solely dedicated to the transitional and final regulations.

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Here is the complete set of technical documentation for AALBORG Mission OL 20000 and AQ-2 boiler plant. The pack of folders includes the technical data, flow diagrams, technical description, operation and maintenance manuals, then paperwork related to the feed and boiler water, water level gauge, safety valves, feed water system, control valves, chemical dosing unit, salinity alarm equipment, oil detection equipment, burner, oil flow regulating valve, oil flow meter, DP transmitter, regulating valves, ignition burner pump, combustion air fan, fuel oil pump, heat exchanger, as well as the drawings, data sheets, performance curves, MISSION control system, operating principles, operation of the panels, commissioning and service manuals, flame safeguard, menu structure for panels, PC monitoring system, electric drawing for local panel and for power panel, set point diagrams etc.

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