
The present Code of Practice was developed by the ABB professionals in order to provide necessary technical guidance on proper safety planning for the operations on site. The authors did their best to produce the booklet giving the practical direction to the personnel involved in the crane works and make them achieve the ABB health & safety standards.

The book is mainly focused on site operations; however, the requirements that are set down also apply as a baseline for other operations. The material presented in the book shall be used for training purposes, and the requirements included therein, must be implemented as necessary. It may be used by project managers and sales when tendering for projects, and making the agreements with different parties. Note that the document presents the ABB's minimum standards; it bases on the ILO Code of Practice.

In case a national legislation (or customer requirements) set a higher standard, then the higher of the  standards must be used. It shall also be noted that some of the H&S risks may not be covered by this document. However, the paper is very useful to everyone willing to improve the safety awareness and get better idea of the crane operations on site.

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Naval officers having some basic mathematical ability can easily make themselves familiar with the fundamental principles governing the design of the vessels and the most commonly used calculation methods; however, those willing to become naval constructors would require long and very patient apprenticeship of the shipyard.

The naval architecture addresses such the problems as how to make a vessel sail and carry weights, how to make the vessel stand right at sea and obey the commander, and go easily through the waves at a given speed, in fact everything connected with the construction of the vessels and prediction/calculation of their behavior at sea.

In fact, shipbuilding itself implies giving the materials of which the vessel is to be made of all the shapes, forms and dimensions, as well as strength and power characteristics required to make them fully comply with the conditions that have been already calculated by the naval architects. he naval architects, shipbuilders and marine engineers are representing three professional skills.

Their duties shall be performed successfully so that the duties of the newly built vessel may also be performed in a successful manner. All of these duties are considered essential but they do not have to be performed by three separate people... Have a look into this rare and classic book, you will not get disappointed, it is much more than a regular textbook.

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This training material has been prepared and is intended for both intermediate and post-intermediate students of English. However, the authors of this publications hope that it will be equally useful for more advanced language learners. It is a thorough and comprehensive survey of structures and forms, written in very clear modern English; in addition, they have been illustrated with numerous examples.

Special attention has been given to difficult areas. Differences between grammatical forms and conversational usage are shown in the present book with the emphasis on conversational forms. You may read this book from the very beginning to the end or just go directly to the topics of your interest. It will also be ideal for all people learning English as a second language. We would say that it is a truly excellent exercise book for everyone, and maybe one of the best available today.

The publication is good for people willing to refresh their grammar skills. In fact,this title might easily serve as the main source of information for people studying English grammar, since the amount of the info provided in this book is enough to exclude the necessity of using any other supplemental publications. Try this one and you will see the result.

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This is an excellent story that will for sure be appreciated by the junior readers having the interest in the sea life and adventures, pirates and other symbols of the marine life. In fact, the authors have tried to make a story telling children what is taking place during a year spent on a pirate vessel. Each of the pictures supplementing the narrative text part of the book is showing the adventures of the pirates as the months of the ear are passing.

There are so many things happening, even so far out at the ocean, and the readers will be expected to spot them. Some of the pictures contained in the book have the fragments of the ships walls taken away, and such approach will help readers have a glance inside and see what is usually hidden from their eyes. There is a calendar provided at each of the right-hand pages of the volume telling the children which month they have already reached.

The book will for sure be highly appreciated by the junior readers; according to the reviews, people like the multicultural nature of the book; another major and important aspect is that women pirates have also be paid particular attention in the pages of the volume. The illustrations have been found great and vivid making the book a great choice.

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The present edition of the Manual has been significantly revised and its content has been seriously updated in order to keep it in line with the latest happenings in the field. It now includes all materials of the Rules of the Road that shall be learnt by heart by all people preparing to sit for the Board of Trade exams.

The seamanship itself is treated as the art of handling a vessel together with all equipment and crew members, including the navigation and pilotage matters, procedures for the ship anchoring, cargo gear arrangements, collision avoidance, etc. The theoretical basis of for the seamanship lies in physics and mathematics.

In the real life, nerve and professional judgment and, what is most importance, the practical experience are making the capable seamen. Numerous informative illustrations have been added to the text of this updated release of the volume, plus photographs.

This little yet quite comprehensive book may serve as the introductory one for the beginners and in fact it is not pretending to complete their education or supersede their practical training. In short, seven major parts of the book cover the ship construction, ropes and splicing, rigging and anchoring arrangements, sail making, fore-and-aft sailing, mechanical appliances, signaling and other relevant information.

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The present software has been specifically developed by the BP professionals intending to prepare an absolutely essential and very functional instrument to be used for getting the marine distances, i.e. distances between various marine ports, as well as the relevant routing information.

The developers of this program used the latest available information. Using this software, the crew members can easily calculate the distance from one sea port to another; the routing can be set manually and is fully adjustable. You are free to lead the vessel using any routes. The ETA can also be calculated. The output of the information can be done in form of the table, image and even printed directly. The program will be of great practical use for the ship navigators for both training and real work applications.

The program will work on all Windows systems from XP to the latest releases, and the system requirements are actually minimal. We would highly recommend this software for all mariners - the students can use it for training while professional navigators will definitely appreciate its practicability and ease of use.

This is one of the most popular and famous marine programs which does not need any special introduction. Just download and start using.

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We are hereby offering our users one of the latest releases of one of the most popular ans world famous ship simulators available today. This training software has been developed and released by Reality Twist GmbH; the software proved to be fully compatible with all versions of Windows operating system, up to and including Windows 8.

The users will be offered a good choice of four interface languages, namely - English, French, German, and Spanish. A couple of words about the system requirements for this program. The present program required your desktop or laptop to possess a minimum of 4 Gb RAM and 3+ Gb of free space on the hard drive in order to function properly and run without any lags. You will be given an opportunity to sail away... You have to go to the sea because you are a part of the Rescue Team.

The users are free to join many interesting rescue operations, fire-fighting activities, saving people in more than twenty different missions. Just choose your vessel and the area in the North or Baltic Sea, turn on the radio and start. The simulator is very interesting to use, it is just a game; however, the choice of the tasks being assigned to the player is impressive and will definitely require some knowledge.

We would recommend it to everyone who is interested in marine operations, handling the vessels and boats, and performing various tasks - treat it as some sort of practice.

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This excellent and easy read will tell people about the incredible ocean journey. On first of April, 2009 young, just 23-year old Sarah Outen did embark on a very ambitious four-thousand-mile solo voyage straight across the totally unpredictable and dangerous Indian Ocean in the rowing boat "Dippers".

She had to negotiate wild storms, encounters with whales and even real threat of being capsized by the passing vessels. It took her hundred and twenty-four days of physical exertion which eventually resulted in the loss of 20 kg, two broken oars and five hundred eaten chocolate bars to set three Guinness World Records...

The narrative text part of the publication is very readable even to the people outside the marine world; all the insight and really remarkable so the volume is highly recommended to everyone. Have a look in this book and maybe Sarah's experience will change your mind and make you undertake your own voyage!

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