Naval History


This publication was officially released by the Division of Public Information of the United Stated Maritime Commission as part of the training program which was intended to give information about the significance of the merchant marine fleet to the general readers so that they could get better idea of the importance and value of this fleet to the American economy and also the national defense.

The main purpose of the volume was to provide teachers with the well told history of the merchant fleet starting from the very beginning and up to its present operations, with due attention being paid to the commonly experienced problems. The subject information would subsequently be transferred to the pupils and students, forming the good understanding in them all.

The material of the book is arranged in two halves, the first one providing some historical background of the American Merchant Fleet and the second discussing the relation of the fleet to the different areas including but not limited to the international trade, labor, industry and many others. Each chapter of the book Is provided with the questions for further discussion and consideration, and this will definitely result in better learning outcome.

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This classic volume was prepared mainly for the general reader, with the hope of the author that the future mariners will find useful information about the sailing vessels and the associated historical background. The book is full of records related to the sailing ships of the past times.

First of all, some essential introduction is given in the opening chapter of the book, followed with the info on the early Egyptian ships that used to sail some six thousand years ago. The ancient sailing ships belonging to the Rome, Greece and Phoenicia, and the earliest European ships are dealt with in the next two chapters, while the remaining chapters address the development of the ships in the period from eighth to fifteenth century, and in the subsequent historical periods, up to and including the nineteenth century.

There is a brief glossary providing the descriptions of the most commonly used terms. The title will be of great use for the people interested in the sailing ships of the past. The book is quite rare so we do recommend all interested people to have a copy of it on their virtual bookshelves. Should you happen to have some free time, go through all chapters and you will find it fascinating.

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This brilliant publication was released to provide readers with the new insights on the geographical discoveries that were recognized by the grateful nations. The content is truly perfect and very well worked it is thoroughly documents to the absolute standards. One of the accomplishments of the author of this volume is the demonstration of the attention paid to the details.

The book will tell you a very interesting story of the explorations conducted by the Royal Navy in the mid-XIX century. The volume shall be treated as a product of thorough work and research conducted by the authors, on the basis of the diaries and documents founds in different repositories. The subject research is really comprehensive and extensive, leaving no grey areas behind, providing a good account on the very last voyage of the well known HMS Investigator.

The book is highly recommended to anyone with the interest in the maritime history. We would say that the present publication deserved being on the bookshelf of any person willing to know more about the maritime life of the nineteenth century.

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This “History…” is a truly excellent book that will be found very interesting not only for the people living in London but of course to all those having deep interest both in the history of London, naval history, human development and so many other areas. The author of the volume has perfectly charted the foundation, further growth and development of the London port and provided good explanation of its importance to the prosperity of the Great Britain.

The readers from all around the planet have found this book really fascinating. The writing style of the author is amazing and it engages readers throughout the book; the photos chosen to accompany the text are brilliant. In addition to the text and photographs, there are so many of the navigation charts included in the book as the supplementary material. In short we can say that the publication is a solid and thoroughly researched story presented in a way accessible to any reader including the very beginners.

It contains the close view of maybe the most famous and historically important sea port in the history of mankind and international shipping and that is the reason why we say it will be interesting to anyone and not only to the Londoners.

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Throughout the history of the mankind, the slaves travelled across the oceans, same as the unfree immigrants and convicts. However, it shall be noted that the people's understanding of the modernity has been significantly narrowed by the conventional historical paradigm relating to the Atlantic World. This volume presents the brilliant study fully contrasting with the common and regular understanding of the relationships that used to exist in the Indian Ocean back in the nineteenth century.

This work is demonstrating that the nations that used to struggle against the slavery in the distant past did accept the limits on the labour freedom. According to the reviews performed by the major experts in the field, the content of this publication has perfectly brought together numerous historical debates; the author has successfully challenged many of the ideas related to the sea-bound labour deriving from the pretty exaggerated attention to the Atlantic ocean.

This book will be recommended to anyone with the interest in the naval history and the problems addressed by the author in his work who will find the information not readily available in most of the other documents on this topic.

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The stories of marine disasters always fire people’s imaginations. There were so many of them including the very famous Roman triremes and Spanish Main, huge transatlantic liners and others. Remember Titanic and Lusitania, and up to the recent disaster of Costa Concordia. The publication presented to your attention is intended to provide the interested readers with a good study making for a completely new and unique understanding of the history not limited to the maritime history; we are talking about everything here.

The author of the book is exploring the process of moving humans across the oceans and this process has been ongoing, romantic and hazardous. In the pages of his work, the author is drawing a number of quite provocative conclusions originating from the content of the study.

In short, his book is expected to demonstrate the developments making the oceans more familiar to the people and enabling humans to undertake safer travels across seven seas. This is a truly perfect and easy reading for anyone with the interest in the naval history and past times. And, as the people directly related to the maritime industry, we shall all be aware of the most famous shipwrecks in the history.

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This collection will be greatly appreciated by the people with the interest in naval history and famous ships of the past. In contains absolutely all releases of the world famous Seaways magazine of maritime history and research for the ten years. The original idea of the publishers of this popular journal was to encourage the historical accuracy of the maritime researches and ship modeling.

Each of the publications included in this huge set of books contains very informative and interesting stories, ship plans, drawings and sketches. There are numerous historical photographs supplementing the text part. The authors provide the details of historic shipping covering both steam and sail vessels. The Seaways magazines will be of great interest not only to the naval historians and enthusiasts but also to the ship modelers who will definitely benefit from the technical information contained in the pages of these journals.

This information will for sure help them when used for making the models of the ships belonging to different historic periods and will add to the accuracy. Even if you are not making ship models, we still recommend you to have a look in the magazines and you will find something interesting there.я

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The book tells readers a story of the MV Wilhelm Gustloff called Hitler's Titanic. The crush of Wilhelm Gustloff is deservedly treated as one of the most secret and deadliest naval catastrophes in the whole maritime history. The vessel was sunk by the submarine of the Soviet fleet and nearly ten thousand human lives were lost, it happened in 1945. Not only this fact is remarkable, the whole story and service history of this vessel deserves attention.

The original name of the vessel was Adolf Hitler, she was intended to be christened upon delivery back in 1937; however, the plans changed and the decision was made to name her after the Swiss leader Gustloff, and the vessel became the true proud of the Nazi Labor Movement under this name.

The book is a great one for the people interested in the naval history, famous warships of the past times and history in general. They will like the information and facts compiled by the author that made this volume so popular among the naval history enthusiasts; however, the book will also be appreciated by the general reader. Take some time reading this work prepared by the recognized expert in the field of naval history, Roger Moorhouse, and you will not be disappointed.

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