Marine Engineering


The ultimate guide of the author of the present guide was to explain the most important issues of the hatch cover security and also to steer the mariners towards active due maintenance of the hatch covers. It would definitely be less expensive to maintain the weathertight integrity of the hatch covers through the attention to detail and periodic checks and works, than to pay the possible claims for the wet-damaged cargo.

Moreover, it is critically important for safety at sea and for the protection of the sea environment to keep the covers weathertight and strong. We all know that leaking hatch covers are considered a principal cause of wetting of the transported cargo. The hatch covers may leak for various reasons, but the root cause is usually their poor maintenance of failure to close the covers properly.

The chapters of this guide provide the description of the hatch covers and their function, leakage problems and leak detection tests, some common false beliefs about hatch covers, tips on monitoring and inspection, procedures for proper maintenance and repair of the hatch covers, and also some necessary information relating to the safety of the operations. The appendices contain the procedures to opening and closing of the covers, and condition assessment forms.

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This guide was prepared and published with the intention to alert the crews of the marine ships to the serious danger of a truly catastrophic loss that can be caused by the failed piping, the authors have tried to raise the awareness of redundancy in the design of the ship piping and of the difficulties that are usually involved in the inspections of the pipes.

It is quite clear that the prevention of the piping failure may only be achieved through the proactive approach of the crew members to the inspection, periodical maintenance and repair of the ship piping arrangements. Though the corrosion effect on a hull is widely known, not everyone knows and considers the piping corrosion. However, piping poses a hidden danger to the ship, people on board, and environment. The pipes convey various fluids or allow air to pass through and are treated as the means of the operations of many control systems, they are penetrating nearly every enclosed space on board the ship.

This guide provides the basic information on the ship piping and systems, pipe design, tips on maintenance and repair of the pipes, shows some causes of the pipe failures etc. Some typical mechanical joints and procedure for the pressure test of the piping is there in the appendices.

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Over the past several decades, we could observe numerous significant developments and advances in the field of marine engineering, particularly related to the shipboard diesel engines installed on board both ships and offshore installations. So many new technologies were introduced, each of them deserving closest attention by all people engaged in the maritime industry.

The publication was prepared in order to fulfil all needs of the marine engineers willing to stay in touch with the latest information on the modern marine diesel engines slowly replacing the ones of the older series. It is absolutely important for the professional marine engineers to keep equipped with the due knowledge and understanding of the engines they operate and maintain when performing their day to day duties.

One of the features that differs this publication from many others is that the content has been presented in a perfectly understandable form, which will be appreciated by the students of marine engineering. In addition to the theory of the marine engines, the book is also intended to provide a good insight into the operation principles of the engines installed on board modern facilities. It will be of great benefit for those preparing for the examinations as well as for the self-learners.

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The pumps are widely use in many industries and they are commonly installed on the vessels. Same applies to the seals and associated piping arrangements. And installation of pumps implies the use of the valves and actuators. The present reference publication was released to provide readers with the required information about subject equipment pieces.

The content of the book will be of particular practical interest to the persons directly engaged in the design, use or routine maintenance of the valves and their systems together with the operational, design and performance information required to be in hand. The author of the volume is a world recognized expert and his work will be very useful since it provides lots of information.

The content is very well documented and all explanations contained are very thorough. There are numerous calculations presented in quite clear manner. Numerous data tables and charts supplement the text part. The practical approach applied by the author is backed up with so many technical information and engineering know-hows making this book a perfect reference, and this is one of the reasons why this volume gained huge popularity among both students and specialists.

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The diesel engines are referred to as maybe the most promising powertrains in the nearest future, if we take into consideration their truly superior thermal efficiency as well as the oustanding reliability. Nowadays, diesel engines are widely used in the most of the commercial vehicles, industrial applications, cars and light-duty lorries.

Modern emissions standards and demands of the customers of today are driving diesel engineering to become a dramatically growing applied engineering discipline in order to meet the applicable requirements of designing optimum diesel engines. The engineering population in diesel engines' design is growing quite fast.

The requirement for new advanced design theories and professional reference books has become pressing and obvious. This volume presents my own experience and findings in many interrelated areas of diesel engine performance analysis and system design. The present book is also intending to establish some sort of emerging area of the diesel engine system design for the diesel industry.

The whole technical process of designing the diesel engine is very complex indeed since it involves so many different people and companies from the original equipment makers to suppliers. A system design approach to set up correct engine performance specifications is essential in order to streamline the design process.

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The content of the first original title by Professor Toshio Hishima, namely "The Best Seamanship - A Guide to Deck Skills", was developed with his intention to help the deck crew members as well as the cadets to get to the better understanding of the different repair activities that they will get involved into onboard their vessels. Subsequently, the present publication was released, covering the shipboard machinery space activities.

The readers will start with the lathe work which is still quite basic and necessary-to-know information, followed by the gas and arc welding procedures and equipment. After that, they can proceed to the valves installed onboard their vessel, and here the coverage includes the technical maintenance of the valves, their types, replacement matters etc.

Working with slings is addressed within a separate chapter. The rest of the book ideals with the alignment issues, steel piping and its replacement, general works commonly carried out in the ship's engine room, and so many other important topics. The text is full of useful advices, that is the reason why the volume is so highly recommended.

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Another volume of those belonging to the world famous and popular Reed’s Marine Engineering series of books, and this one is going to provide engineers with all necessary technical information related to the heat and heat engines. The author of the book concentrated on the essential principles of the matter, and provided the text with the numerous illustrative and informative sketches.

It is a perfect tool for preparation to the examinations for the first- and second-class engineers. The content is full of the problems and examples, and each of them is provided with the detailed and explained solutions. There are as many as fifteen chapters in the book, starting from the common terminology and units, and the general info on the heat, thermal expansion and heat transfer.

Then, the students will read about the laws governing the behavior of the perfect gases, their compression/expansion, cycles etc. after that it is time to start with the internal combustion engines, boilers, reciprocating engines, turbines, and so forth.

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Here is one of the volumes belonging to the world famous and popular Reed’s Practical Mathematics Series, with all of the other books available at our website. The publication acquaints readers with the engineering drawings and is mainly aimed at the students of marine engineering disciplines; however, it will be of great practical use to the working engineers willing to refresh their knowledge of some areas.

The students will find everything the need to know about the drawing in this book. Of course, it should be understood that one can achieve perfect draughtsmanship only through diligence and lot of practice, which is why there are so many exercises included in the volume. In addition to that, the second part of the publication is entirely devoted to the examinations.

The four major chapters of the book provide necessary practical tips on creating the drawings using the orthographic projection and provide the commonly used engineering drawing terminology, as well as give some practical exampled supplemented with the pictorial representations; the last chapter is dealing with the diagrams of shearing forces/bending moments – as you can see, nothing was left uncovered.

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