Ship Handling


The declared aims of this Environmental Awareness computer-based training course are to consider the important problems related to the environment that are caused by pollution in general, examine types and sources of pollution at sea, highlight international rules and regulations adopted to reduce/prevent pollution, and outline good practice procedures to prevent/reduce pollution at sea.

There are five sections in the present training course - Introduction to Pollution, Types and Sources of the Pollution, Oil Pollution Prevention, Associated Rules and Regulations, Environmental Management Systems - supplemented with a Glossary with definitions and Test bank. The first section of this training course is purely introductory and has two objectives, namely to consider the basic environmental problems being caused by the pollution from ships, as mentioned above, and to highlight the ways in which shipping industry contributes to these problems.The pollution of the seas should be critically important to all seamen and the shipping industry in general.

All people involved in shipping must receive appropriate training on the results of pollution and the means of reducing and preventing this pollution. All shipboard personnel have to participate in the environment protection, and ensure that they take positive actions to prevent pollution through good seamanship practices...​

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The present package of the maritime software consists of several useful and practical programs which have been specifically developed to be used by the marine surveyors as well as ship officers in their day to day activities, providing assistance with the calculations. All programs making this pack are very user-friendly. They will assist in lashing calculations and draft surveys and will also be useful for persons performing route planning.

They are easily operated by means of either mouse of keyboard. Note that the programs have been worked out in compliance with the latest UN EC standards as well as with the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.

The results of the calculations can be printed. Among key features of the Draft Survey program we would note two modes of calculation available and a fact that the required calculation accuracy can be reached by entering only 35 lines of values into the hydrostatic tables of the vessel corresponding to the various conditions.

Each of the other programs can also boast some useful features that allow them to be highly recommended for everyday use on board vessels. The programs are also excellent for training purposes and will be highly valued by the students.

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The present Accident Investigation Course has been offered by Marlins. For a start, the users are prompted to enter their names, vessel/office, seaman's numbers and ranks. However, note that this is optional, i.e. if you want to use the program for yourself not being a seaman, feel free to enter any letters and proceed.

The aims of this course are to consider different accident types and their immediate and underlying causes, examine the most important stages in the process of accident investigation, outline the characteristic of an effective investigation, and highlight reasons for doing accident investigation. There are five major chapters inside - accidents, incidents and near misses; accident causes; introduction to accident investigation, key stages in accident investigation, and a good investigation. The glossary will provide users with the explanation of key terms used in this course.

The course examines the core nature of the accidents and describes how the accidents usually occur; it provides users with the guidance on how to perform the effective investigation and highlights the techniques of the interviews and recording them. It is highly recommended by the developers of this course to spend about two hours working on it for proper understanding of the material and satisfactory completion and assessment.

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ShipSure is an in house designed application, specifically built for the Shipping Industry. It is constructed as a modular system. Clients can choose which modules they wish to implement – depending on the nature of their business. ShipSure has been designed to run on-ship and on-shore.

Using the ship-based modules allows the Master, Chief engineer and other sea staff to enter information directly into the system – with obvious advantages. Databases on board ship and in the shore offices are synchronised using a unique combination of industry-standard messaging systems and ship-board communications systems, including Satcom A, B, mM & F.

This System allows data entry to be carried out at both ship and office (or in multiple offices) in the knowledge that all users will see the same data once the system has run its scheduled synchronisation processes. Details of vessel particulars are stored including regulatory information, flag requirements and technical information. Vessel certificates are recorded, updated and at a glance out of date certificates are displayed. The vessel reporting module incorporates: Noon reports, port reports and position list Vessel performance monitoring and analysis Running Hours and consumption figures.

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The main declared objectives of the present computer based training course were to introduce the aims of the Risk Assessment, in order to describe the key stages in conducting effective Risk Assessment, i.e. identifying hazards, evaluating severity, estimating likelihood, assessing the risk level of hazards, and managing risk, to outline the benefits of doing Risk Assessment, and to provide a number of working examples of the key steps of Risk Assessment and comprehensive practice exercises.

There are two major components of Risk Analysis, namely Risk Assessment and Risk Management. This course has been partitioned into three main components, that are followed by a practice exercise and finally a short test. The first part contains the introduction to risk assessment. The second part covers the hazard investigation, evaluating risks, and existing preventative measures. The third part of the course contains description of the further preventative measures, review and monitoring of the action plan, and record keeping.

Then there are practice exercises followed by the final test. All employers have a so-called "duty of care" aimed to ensure the health and safety of their employees and other persons on board by means of proper evaluation of the risk levels and taking appropriate actions to reduce such risks...

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The V.Ships Management System (VMS) is the documentation which defines the responsibilities and procedures for all staff in order to undertake the management of vessels in a safe and consistent way across the Group. The V.Ships Ship Management Office (SMO) that is assigned to manage your vessel, is there to support you and the shipboard staff in carrying out the priorities above.

It is absolutely essential that staff, both at sea and at shore comply fully with the procedures as set out in the VMS documentation. These procedures have been developed over the last 20 years utilising thousands of man/years of operational experience in order to make continued improvements with a view to preventing accidents and incidents.

In the current, increasingly complex, operating environment, the procedures developed are regularly reviewed to ensure that V.Ships continually meets or exceeds the expectations of its clients, the regulators and the public for being a high quality Ship Manager. Full compliance with these procedures ensures that vessels are operated safely with a minimum risk of pollution to the marine environment. The success of our Ship Management business is tied to our operational reputation. We must ensure that we never put this reputation at risk.

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The overall declared objectives of this computer-based training course developed by Marlins are to provide necessary instruction, training and explanation about all aspects of lifeboat operation, maintenance and certification, to describe the construction and working principles of the major components of the typical lifeboat systems, to highlight the regulations and the requirements, to provide explanations of abandon ship drill and procedures, provide a means to reinforce familiarization of equipment on board the ship, to test senior officers and crew on their understanding of lifeboat arrangement, operations and inspection/maintenance.

The course for Support level covers overview of lifeboat training, typical arrangement, operating procedure, lifeboat inspection and maintenance, relevant regulations and requirements, and common incidents. After study of the first section of this training course, you shall be able to understand the whole importance of having lifeboat training, identify where lifeboat training can be carried out, specify the intervals for having lifeboat training, list the knowledge and skills you can obtain from lifeboat training, and describe how this computer-based training can enhance lifeboat training. The exercises are presented in the form of a questionnaire.​

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We are introducing the 3.1 version of the world famous and extremely popular Fairplay Ports and Terminals Guide was developed and released with the aim to help people improve the operational efficiency of their ships through the improvement of preparation to the ports of call.

The users who decided to choose this software will find the data on over twelve thousand shipping terminals and ports, eight thousand tanker berths and nearly thirty thousand port service providers - quite impressive indeed - and it will definitely let them navigate any of the ports much easier and with much more confidence. This pack of files is one of the most complete collections which lots of supplementary information such as photographs, mooring diagrams, ports plane, etc.

The present software can also be used to find specific port services all over the world, conduct thorough competitor and market researches, gain competitive advantages using the most complete and up-to-date info, etc. This program shall be burn onto a compact disk; alternatively, it can be opened using any of the available virtual machine such as Daemon Tools Lite. No viruses inside and no need to crack the software, send any text messages, register etc. Fully compatible with all Windows systems.

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