Ship Safety & Security


The present book covers the main aspects of the shipboard emergency response as well as the contingency planning relating to the oil spill cases, and will serve as a great complement to the video training program shared earlier. All ship officers are highly encouraged to go through the contents of both video and this book to get to the good understanding of the subject. The intention of the authors was to provide the trainees with the essential information, so there is actually no minimum skill requirement.

There are four main parts in this volume, the first one covering the policy on why the training shall be undertaken on board vessels and how they shall be done. In the second part the authors provide some general background on the internationally implemented oil pollution legislation.

The third part addresses the training sessions in detail, while the closing one will tell the trainees how exactly the training sessions shall take place and this is where the associated video will help them a lot. There are numerous examples provided throughout the main text of the document, originating from the real life incidents – they will be very good when used for the discussions, as this is the best way to learn.

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This is an absolutely must have publication for those willing to enhance the safety of their ships. The author has provided a perfect introduction to the most effective methods of preventing fires on board vessels, discussing the standard and commonly accepted procedures of fire extinguishing. In total, there are two parts in the book, and eight chapters, starting with the brief overview of the different types of the equipment used to fight fires on board modern ships.

For example, the author provides detailed explanation on the fire pumps, including both single – and multi-purpose ones) and gives the professional description of the measurements that are so handy in the study of preventing shipboard fires. The free surface effect on stability has been analyzed in the separate chapter.

The author has also included the necessary extracts from the applicable regulations and rules that shall be followed at all times. The explosion prevention aspects have been paid due attention, and the conditions normally leading to the explosions have been analyzed in the way how they can be avoided. The volume concludes with the description of the preventive measures to be implemented on board ships.

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The world economy of today heavily relies on the international maritime industry in order for the huge parties of the different cargoes, people and services to be moved. Taken collectively, all of the above form the so-called MTS, standing for the Maritime Transportation System. In turn, the cyber networks make up one of the major components of this system, together with the infrastructure controlled by them.

Needless to say that with the course of time the subject system becomes more and more automated. And this is where the importance of the cyber element comes into play, bringing so many advantages but also some vulnerability. There have been numerous researches conducted by the industry professionals, where it was proven that the vessels can be controlled remotely, by means of the GPS, and it means that someone can actually take over control with bad intentions.

To date, the matter of cyber security has not been paid due attention, but now the situation is changing, with people starting to care about it more and more, getting proper understanding of the concept of cyber security and all associated aspects, and this is exactly what the authors of this brilliant book managed to convey.

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Nowadays, the maritime piracy is considered one of the most critical and pressing global issues, directly affecting the safety and security of the vessels engaged in transportation of the cargo between continents. The present publication was written with the intention of its authors to give readers a compact yet maximum informative and practically useful introduction to the field.

As we all know, the maritime piracy and its growth during the past decades was mainly caused by the relatively low risk accompanied by the huge rewards. The volume opens with the general overview where the historical background of the subject matter is covered, and also the main maritime structures governing the area are addressed.

The authors have performed a deep and professional examination of the global governance norms in the twentieth century seeking for the better ways and ideas on combating the contemporary maritime piracy. It is of course clearly understood by all parties involved, that the solution will definitely require an all-inclusive and holistic approach, and it will take time.

The authors have examined the different strategies and tried to offer a carefully worked evaluation of the most serious problems. The volume will be appreciated by the international law students, and actually anyone dealing with or interested in the maritime security.

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The title is intended to provide the readers with the perfect and professional guidelines, necessary for getting better understanding of the new security related requirements implemented by the American government, so that the compliance with the subject requirements can be ensured.

The reference volume includes the deep and thorough legal analysis of the newly introduced regulations. In addition to that, the security legislation currently in force is addressed. The regulations that were implemented, covers such critically important areas as the assessment of the port security and associated plans, together with all other provisions and measures.

Note that the regulations are made mandatory through the MTSA, standing for the Maritime Transportation Security Act, and as such shall be complied with at all times. The present publication contains very easy to follow analysis and interpretation of the new regulations, covering their purpose and actual applicability.

Considering the complexity of these new requirements and their huge size, these guidelines have been provided with the index and table of contents for easier navigation. Make sure you have a copy for ready reference.

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The content of the present training manual is compliant with the relevant requirements of the IMO Res. A.657, making the document acceptable for the purpose of familiarizing the ship crew with the basics of surviving in the lifeboat. First of all, the readers will get to know how to protect themselves against exposure to the sea water. After that, some information will be provided about the sea-sickness tablets and how to use them properly.

The watches and lookouts are discussed in the next section, followed with the one about the first medical aid, health issues, and necessary sanitary arrangements to be made in the lifeboat. The location aids including, but not limited to the radio equipment, are discussed further. There is a separate section dealing with the proper use of the available survival equipment; note that the distribution of the water and food is also paid serious attention.

The readers will also get familiarized with the preparations to be made for the heavy weather conditions. The document even covers such an important aspect of survival as the maintenance of the due morale among the persons in the lifeboat, since this matter is definitely of the high importance.

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The main purpose of this publication called BMP and forming a part of the Industry Best Management Practices series - is to provide all required assistance to the crew members and bridge teams of the ships engaged in the trade in the areas mentioned in the title and give them the information that would help them to avoid or delay possible piracy attacks off the Somalia coast plus in the Arabian Sea are and Gulf of Aden, or to deter them.

The application of the recommendations contained in this booklet will make a significant difference in prevention of the ship turning into a piracy victim. The extent to which the guidance provided in the pages of this volume is followed, will always have to be at the final discretion of the decision makers, i.e. Master and Ship Operator. Here is the list of topics covered: Somali Pirate Activity, Typical Pirate Attacks, Risk Assessment, Company Planning, Master's Planning, Implementing BMP, Voyage Planning, Self Protection Measures.

The readers will know what to do if a pirate attack is imminent, if boarded by maritime pirates, and in the Event of Military Action, Updating BMP, Post Incident Reporting. A definitely must have volume on board vessels undertaking voyages in those areas.

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The present Fire Training Manual has been designed and released to suit various types of ships. The purpose of the document is to provide the crew members with both general and vessel-specific information as well as with the practical instructions relating to the fire safety practice and relevant precautions, meaning of the various alarms, established procedures for the fire fighting, operation and use of the various fire fighting systems together with the associated equipment, operation of fire dampers and fire doors plus the information about the escape routes.

In addition, the present Manual may serve as a reference source for the crew members with the duty to provide the instructions to other people on board the ship in the practice of the all above stated equipment and following the procedures. The content of this FTM is fully compliant with the requirements of IMO Res. MSC.99(73) and its main part is describing the procedures and equipment generically.

However, its seventh section is specifically designed so that the users may easily fill in details of the procedures and equipment applicable to their ship, making the present document unique and still compliant with the applicable regulations. The fire training manual shall be provided in each mess/recreation room and cabin, together with the fire safety operational booklet.

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