This book looks at the various classes of underwater boats together with their various weapons carried on them, and particularly addresses at the men who manned them and conducted this very protracted and hard fought campaign.
The main content has been divided into four majors parts, and the first part is covering the submarines in German naval service from earliest days, through its first great test in the First World War and to the historically famous clandestine campaign which took place between 1919 and 1935 and which was designed to keep U-boat technology and practice alive, despite the terms of the Versailles Treaty.
The second part of the volume is dealing with the major technological areas in the period 1935-1945, including the detailed descriptions of the various types of U-boat, their weapons, communications, sensors, propulsion systems, machinery and other aspects.
In the third part the author describes the campaigns, the men, their training, the sorry saga of Luftwaffe co-operation, submarine losses, and touches the end of the campaign. There is an appendix concluding the volume and devoted solely to the underwater boats that were lost at sea in the period 1939-1945.
 An excellent military reference prepared by the best-selling authors who have managed to capture the most interesting and real-life moments of service on board nuclear underwater boat. Their magnitude helped to get the security clearance for the information and data diagrams that have never been available to the wide audience in the past.
The publication features numerous truly exclusive photos, very informative illustrations and data, details launching procedures for the weapons, an gives an insight to the living on board of every crew members up to the captain. The book is recounting a fascinating and glorious history of submarines. It also gives interesting tours through the submarines themselves.
The readers have noticed that the content of this volume is as accurate as it can be. The author is taking readers through the birth moment of the submarine and up to the final build, i.e. to the moment the boat become home to the crew members. Note that this is not a fiction book so you are expected to have some understanding of the submarines and be familiarized with commonly used abbreviations. The book is an invaluable part of the history of submarines helping people understand the prospective of their warfare.
 Here is one of the best works on the developmental history of the submarines - an excellent, well documented reference source covering the events in different countries of the world. The way of presentation chosen by the author has made this book a very enjoyable read. The book will provide wealth of information related to the development and origin of the underwater boats starting from the earliest submarines and to the modern models.
You shall definitely keep a copy of this book for historical reference if you are interested in submarines. There are so many documentation and true historical facts covered within this publication that it can be easily recommended even to the professional naval historians. Numerous beautiful pictures supplement the text of the volume. The author has also included many stories of the people bringing the human side of submarine development to life.
The book is very compelling and even provides some technical details making the book interesting for the technical people, as well. However, the book is not overloaded with technical information and this makes it easy reading suitable for everyone. In short, this is one of the most popular books of this kind.
 From the very first steam-powered submarine models originally introduced in the course of the First World War top the nuclear-powered technological marvels of today, they have revolutionized the warfare on the seas. The content of the present document is following a truly extraordinary developments of this major component of the navy fleets of the world.
The book features about eighty vivid photographs supplemented by the informative technical illustrations of the most sophisticated and significant models of submarines. A reference section is there providing a concise yet comprehensive summary of the designs. the volume is best suited for the specialized collections and highly recommended for the people with deep interest in naval history, wars and weapons as well as the construction, warfare and service life of the submarines.
The information contained in the book has been presented in a narrative text format. In addition, the readers noted that the illustration included to supplement the text are originating from good and recognized sources. have a look in this publication and you will improve your knowledge of the submarines and their impact on the naval history.
 The book contains the excellent narrative of the submarine confrontation during the Second World War in the Pacific region. It has been found by the experts to be of great importance since it presents an account of the American Navy underwater boat operations.
Originally released in 1951 by Vice Admiral Lockwood, event after sixty years it continues to be relevant and interesting. According to the reviews, this volume provides a well-balanced and remarkably objective account which has been supported with statistical data.
The author has put together the most amazing historical sagas of the American Submarine Forces including the major developments, challenges and unfortunately disappointments of the radars, torpedoes and all other equipment commonly carried on board submarines.
The readers will get captivated with the author's witness aboard the famous USS Missouri for the historical surrender. In short, this publication is highly recommended to all persons with the interest in submarines of the Second World War times as they will have a huge amount of the relevant and factual information about the American submarines in a single volume which is also a must-have for any historian.
 There are many U-boat bunkers still dominating their surroundings, so anyone wishing to explore these fascinating relics from Europe's turbulent past will have no great difficulties in finding them. Entering such stalwart fortresses while standing on the decks of the small U-boats that must have been a truly awe-inspiring experience, yet very limited number of images and publications have ever appeared on these massive monstrosities.
The U-Boot-Archiv holds well over 100000 photographs, but there are very few unpublished wartime pictures of the bunkers. Somehow, the fascination which did grow up around the U-boats did not actually stretch as far as embracing these impressive fortresses. The book will be greatly appreciated by the followers of the naval history of Second World War since they will find the answers to the so many questions about the bases where the submarines used to be repaired and replenished.
The book has been found very informative and recommended to the people interested with the history of the World War Two and German submarines participating. According to the numerous customer reviews, this one of the best publications on this matter available today.
 This is the revised release of "Grey Wolves of the Sea" devoted by the author, professional naval historian Heinz J. Nowarra, to the history of the most frequently built German types of submarine. The book is somewhat similar to the Squadron Signal giving the reader a brief history of the Type VII underwater boats and all subtypes.
Though all illustrations contained in the volume are black-and-white, which is quite obvious, they are still able to give a clear idea of how deadly and efficient those machines were - these photographs have been taken from the German Museum of U-Boats.
The format of presenting of the material is more or less similar to the one used in the "In Action" series by Squadron also available here; however, in this case the coverage is a bit more specific and the author is going in depth providing readers with the detailed information about the underwater fleet. Recommended reading for all people with the interest in submarines and naval weapon in general.
 I am an armchair submariner, but well aware that my admiration for these men runs the risk of lapsing into romantic mythologising. Despite attempting to maintain objective neutrality, I am continually struck by the widely held perception that submariners are a race apart from other naval seafarers. Viewed as heroes or villains subject to which side they are on (sometimes indeed regarded as villains by the senior officers of their own side), it is perhaps understandable that submariners have a reputation for independence of thought and action, and sheer downright bloody-mindedness.
The nature of their job encourages these traits. They are faced by threats from hostile forces: both man-made and elemental. Safe operation relies on every crew member doing their job, and for a crew to work effectively as a team requires a considerable degree of trust, tolerance and mutual respect. Survival depends on it. Max Horton, arguably the greatest British submariner, once said with characteristic bluntness, 'There is no margin for mistakes in submarines, you are either alive or dead. It is a remarkable feature of human existence that former enemies, veterans of past wars, meet later in a spirit of reconciliation and friendship. This should give hope for the future, but these men grow older and time is on no-one's side.
Those of us of a younger generation are then left with a void of lost knowledge and, by extension, lost understanding. The sudden death of my friend Karl Wahnig, a former U-boat crewman, brought home this painful reality. Yet the ancients believed a person never died if they were never forgotten. With that in mind, this book aims to be both testimony and tribute to the submariners of all nations, but is dedicated especially to the memory of those still missing; to those who are still on patrol.