Marine Science & Oceanography


Almost four decades have passed since the time when the 3rd UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, i.e. LOS Convention, was signed. It entered into force in 1994 and is dealing with public international aspects of the oceans' law. The eighth part of the subject Convention is dedicated to the marine scientific research and this is what is addressed in the present publication.

This volume presents a thorough analysis examining the legal framework for the above mentioned research with a main focus made on research platforms. People conducting such research, i.e. oceanographers, usually face a quite complex set of provisions that govern their activities. As the treasures of the ocean waters have become discovered and known to the major players in coastal states, the international regulations concerning the sea uses have become much more tighter.

As said above, in the book the third part has been analyzed; in addition to that, the publication provides interested readers with a good overview of air and even space laws relevant to the research activities, and describes their relation to the LOS Convention. Some of the other international regulations have also been dealt with and their significance in the customary law context has been analyzed. The book is mainly aimed at a scientific and legal audience...

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When you are looking at the ocean standing on the deck of a vessel, it is a truly immense world. Though the ocean serves as a home to billions of various species, significant part of the marine life is actually hidden from our view and access. That is why the sea is deservedly considered the most unexplored area of the world. The marine environment, in turn, is a very captivating place peaking the curiosity.

New discoveries have been revealed in the course of the extensive scientific researches conducted recently, and now we are aware of even more secrets. Marine science is a very multi-disciplinary area incorporating physics and chemistry, biology and geology, plus the environmental science. Proper understanding the ocean's ecology is also critically important due to the currently ongoing changes to the global climate.

The ultimate goal of the present volume was to provide the readers with twenty original scientific experiments conveying the very basic principles of biological/physical sciences that are relating to the ocean. Each of them may be considered a proven teaching activity broadening the understanding of the nature of marine science and associated scientific facts. The volume will definitely be appropriate for all classes and can be used by all students.

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The technology and science of today equips us with increasingly complex methods of studying the ocean. The intention of the person who wrote this book was to introduce readers to the contemporary problems of marine physics and to explain all mechanisms of the fundamental physical processes happening in the sea together with their inter-relationships. The purpose was to enable the readers to embark on a further study of marine physics.

The author has made an attempt to produce a proper synthesis of the results obtained in the course of the latest researches in the field of marine physics, while maintaining the manageable size of the publication. The text part of the volume has been limited to a discussion of the physical properties of the seawater, thermodynamical processes that occur in the sea, as well as the transfer of sound waves and sun light in the sea, mass exchanges, air-sea interaction and other critically important matters.

All classic problems have been covered within this book, such as sea waves, currents and tides; however, if you want to get the detailed information on these, you would better refer to the numerous relevant textbooks that are available. The volume will definitely be of service to a broad range of interested readers...

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We are all aware of the fact that the world is changing quite rapidly and in past decades the technological progress in the fields of communication, robotics and others has been very impressive, and this all also improved our ability to explore the ocean and get the correct and reliable info about its ecology. This volume opens with a brief yet comprehensive overview of the basics of marine ecology, including the water quality, stability of the ecosystems, and biological diversity.

The other chapters of the publication have been arranged as per the major bio-orders, starting from the primary producers to mammals, and up to the primary consumers, fisheries and sea weeds. The information contained in this book will definitely provide students, professionals, scientists and researchers with the excellent broad view and cutting-edge data relating to the marine life facing deviations from the fundamentals of the theory.

The first chapter introduces readers to the general aspects of the oceanography, the second chapter is dealing with the coastal marine biological diversity, while the following chapters address the effects of ocean-climate changes, summarize both observed and potential responses to the populations of the zooplankton to the changes in climate, describe the berthing organisms, history of marine mammals, basic concepts of the ecology of the seaweeds etc.

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As it is quite clear from the title of this volume, it is dedicated to the problems, promise and products of marine biotechnology in the 21st century. In the content of the present publication the team of authors who compiled it, has integrated and summarized the relevant information that and been obtained in the course of two workshop.

Subject information has served as a basis for provision of the recommendations related to the promising areas of research to be conducted in marine biotechnology. The biomedical applications have been emphasized within this book and numerous important topics related to the discovery and development of the drugs have been included. In addition to that, the content of the publication is covering such the important aspects as proteomic and genomic applications, bioengineering, biomaterials, associated public policy and relationships etc.

The review of the present report has been conducted by the recognized experts chosen for their professional technical expertise and perspectives, following the procedures established by the Report Review Committee of NRC, and its purpose is to provide all interested parties with the critically valuable comments. The amount of the information chosen for inclusion into this collection will make this book very useful and interesting for all people involved in marine science. 

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Today, marine ecosystems shall definitely be considered quite a wide topic that includes so many different processes, geographical peculiarities and different groups of various bio-organisms. The present publication is a sort of collection of topics that in fact are not directly related to the matters stated above but rather telling the readers about the research that has been already conducted by groups of professional scientists that have been working all around the world; the only common element is the search for the excellence of the authors.

This book contains eleven chapters, with the opening chapter covering the threats that are there to the ultraoligoscopic systems. This chapter is followed by the one describing the process of modelling the dynamics of the pelagic ecosystem in north-west Mediterranean area. The remaining chapters of this book address the meiofauna as an instrument to be used for the bio-monitoring of the marine system, ecophysiology and evolution of the labytinthulomycetes, limiting the impact of bottom trawling, hydrocarbon contamination, chemical interactions, marine spatial planning, proper mapping of the seabed, plus some other really important issues. A good and useful publication aimed at all people having the real interest in marine ecosystems, taking into account the amount of the material as well as the way of presenting.

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Among the key features of the present publications are the integrated and modern approach applied by the author to both active and passive underwater acoustics, numerous useful and informative examples of the lab scale models of the ocean-acoustic environments, together with the practical experiments carried out at sea, the coverage of the remote sensing of the sea floor and marine life, explanation of the high intensities, parametric sources, shock waves, cavitation, streaming and the explosive waves, coverage of the microbubbles caused by the breaking waves, dispersion, attenuation and rainfalls, inclusion of the valuable information on signal processing of the ocean sounds, various physical and biological noises, explanation of the propagation of the sound along the ray paths and caustics, presentation of the sound transmissions etc.

A very valuable volume for the people involved in oceanography. The publication has already proven to be the authoritative one and full of supplementary exercises and examples for better understanding of the theoretical part. The authors of the volume encourage the marine scientists and engineers to apply the modern and newly established methods...​

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Hurricanes are deservedly considered to be among the most serious aspects of the ocean environment, and we do know that the can potentially cause significantly disastrous events for marine systems. This work presented by the expert in the field, should be treated as a very informative and valuable source of reference for all persons directly involved in the naval, ocean and even coastal engineering field.

The author clarified the conditions of the hurricane generated seas required for the design and also proper operation of relevant marine systems and provided the necessary and data relating to the protection of both onshore and near-shore structures plus the environment during the hurricane landing. The book by Michel Ochi covers all important aspects of the subject; it has been specifically designed by the author to serve as a reference tool for the students, technical managers, scientists, researchers and designers in various areas of ocean, coastal and naval engineering.

The publication presents the technical information covering the hurricane-generated seas in different conditions and areas, including deep ocean and finite water depth of the shelf. The theoretical information has been supplemented with the practical wave data collected during the relevant researches conducted by NOAA by means of the buoys and aircrafts.

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