Marine Science & Oceanography


This book by Edward Bryant describes very comprehensively the nature and process of tsunamis; the author outlined field evidence for detecting past tsunami events, and describes ones linked to the earthquakes, submarine landslides, volcanoes and impacts of meteorites. It is aimed to be the information source for researchers and students, though will be very useful for the general public interested in this sort of natural hazard.

The main focus of this publication is formation of landscape features by tsunami; it is a really needed and up-to-date work with worldwide coverage. The lists of relevant figures, tables and symbols are included in the content of the book, together with acronyms and abbreviations used. The book starts with the introduction, supplemented with real-life stories and followed with the causes, characteristics and wave theory of tsunamis; the second chapters is dedicated to the landscapes formed by the tsunamis, including the depositional and erosional signatures.

This chapter is followed with one addressing the evolution of the coastal landscape. The remaining chapters deal with the volcanic eruptions, comets and asteroids, great landslides, risk and avoidance. The stories forming the foundation of the description of tsunamis and associated discussions are based on the materials of the live examples.

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As it is clear from the title, the book is dedicated to the ecology of the sea shores. It has been specifically designed to be used by the students at graduate students as well as the students at upper-graduate level plus the professionals who are engaged in the management and research  related to the coastal zones.

The content of the book has been arranged in seven parts; the first part provides readers with some introduction to the ecology of the sea shores, and it also sets the scene for the remaining chapters of the publication. The second chapter of the book is dealing with the zonation patterns and the basic causes, together with the key components of the marine fauna, special habitats and other relevant matters.

The following chapter is covering the physicochemical environment and general biota. Then, there are two large sections of the volume dealing with the microbial ecology, detritus and nutrient cycles in the eco-systems in question. The remaining parts of the title address the existing ecological niches , maintenance/establishment of various zonation patterns, predation, disturbance and other factors determining the distribution and diversity, plus production of consumers, energy flow and flood webs, examples of the models of ecosystems, new network analysis techniques, comparison of the ecosystems etc.

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More than a century ago, B. Helland-Nanses and I. Snadstrom and proposed a method of computing the ocean currents on the basis of the water density distribution. Later, this method became known as the dynamic method for computing elements of the ocean currents, or hydrological data analysis method.

This is the indirect method and fully bases on the theoretical assumption that the coriolis force and horizontal pressure gradient are in equilibrium in the steady state below the mixed layer of the ocean surface. The velocities of the current are calculated by means of the dynamic method. The present volume is the author's attempt to properly justify the method referred to above, theoretically and also to shed some light on the nature of currents calculated/computed using this method.

It also examines the importance of the depth of reference surface and the accuracy of the computations. In addition, the book contains the descriptions of the structure of the gradient component of a wind-driven current velocity.

However, the author of the title does not attempt to provide a thorough treatise on the method in question, but is rather trying to analyze some of the important aspects of the theoretical principles of the dynamic method together with the possible practical applications, using the ocean currents theory. 

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According to the author, his original  intention was that this volume would serve several different purposes, including giving readers an overall picture of the several aspects of charting and surveying and, at the same time, going a bit deeper into those of the subjects which commonly seem to require some additional attention, or are in need of a more modern approach.

Also, where deemed desirable, several completely new subjects have been introduced. In the meantime, it was considered a necessity not to overlook simpler methods and less complicated equipment, as not every survey ship possesses the modern equipment for the electronic data processing on board with all required instruments recording on-line. When writing this volume, the author hoped that it would assist hydrographic as well as all other marine surveyors facing with the difficulties when establishing an efficient hydrographic office and performing effective surveys for their country; who are often required to provide guidance to younger officers, not having readily available sophisticated data collection and further processing devices.

As declared by W. Langeraar, the author, a serious need exists for a title not only discussing the latest equipment and all associated methodologies, but which is also covering less complicated instruments and methods...

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This volume has been released with the intention of it's editor, J. Nihoul, who prepared it trying to compile in a single volume, all proceedings of the XIX International Colloquium on the problems of ocean hydrodynamics. The program of the subject conference was focusing on the relationships existing there between large- and small-scale features, together with the associated processes and transports.

The volume presents the valuable articles covering the different methods of parameterization of small-scale turbulent mixing as applied to the numerical ocean models, the presentation of subject papers has been specifically encouraged by the editor, and the application of the subject approach has finally resulted in significant portion of the articles presented during the Colloquium, dealing with the current problems of parameterization. Note that some of the presented docs demonstrated the direct results obtained during the modeling.

The volume is well reflecting the above stated proportion and emphasizes the whole importance of the researches oh small-scale turbulence for the practical applications, such as the forecasting and ocean modeling. The book will be equally useful, practical and informative for persons willing to be in the loop of any latest happenings in the subject field.​

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The correct understanding of the basic processes occurring at the sea-level, is really a key to the effective planning of the coastal defense arrangements. Such process would commonly include storm surges and ocean tides, rises plus all other processes that are usually caused by the climate changes.

The content of the present work mainly bases on the valuable technical materials contained there in the recognized scientific publications and researches dedicated to this subject, that were significantly expanded and incorporating all important technological advances in the relevant areas, for example the tsunami science, satellite altimetry, and analysis of the extreme sea-levels.

The duet of authors of the work, Philip Woodworth and David Pugh, have made an attempt to compile a discussion of how the measurement and survey techniques complement others in the course of providing the reliable forecasts of the forthcoming changes. This book may be treated as one of maybe the most exciting and authoritative volumes considered quite essential for the students, scientists and researchers in various fields; these fields would include marine engineering and marine biology/geology, climatology plus oceanography, as well as any other relevant disciplines. This interesting volume will also be of great use to persons who are involved in making key decisions plus coastal engineers.​

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As the name of the book implies, it involves the flow of the fluid, i.e. liquids and gases, through the seabed, describing the processes and features of such flow and demonstrating the vital importance of the flow to natural environments and human activities. The authors target it to all professionals and research scientists working in the field of marine environment protection.

Among the topics discussed in the book there are origins and nature of flows, seabed fluid flow around the world, migration and the contexts of the seabed flow, seabed fluid flow, biology and mineral precipitation, various impacts of the fluid flow in the seabed on the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and implications for man. The initial intention of the authors of this volume, Martin Hovland and Alan Judd, was to describe the main features of the seabed fluid flow and associated processes, and also to demonstrate their significance to the human activities as well as to the natural environments.

The target group for the publication would consist of the professionals and researchers with serious interest in the field of marine environment. The content reflects the exceptional job done by the authors explaining the processes taking place in the seabed in quite well-written and easy-to-follow way, that made the book so popular.

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Today, we so glad to offer you a very useful and interesting monograph, the author of which is dealing with quite broad range of various subjects that all directly related to the basics mechanics of the sea waves. Paolo Coccotti, the author of this volume, has highlighted the results obtained during the recent theoretical researches of random waves generated by the wind.

The fresh-look approach to the established and proven theoretical concepts was applied by the author. The publication provides readers with numerous worked real-life examples for the design of various coastal and offshore marine structures. Another subject addressed within this publication is quasi-deterministic mechanics together with the loads commonly exerted by the 3D wave groups on offshore structures. This work would be primarily aimed to the graduate students and also professionals, scientists and researchers in the field of ocean engineering. 

However, the manner in which the content has been presented and arranged within this volume, has made it suitable even for the undergraduates. Some of the relatively complex theoretical concepts have been clearly explained plus duly supplemented with several informative live examples and case studies for easier and proper understanding. The title is covering statistical/deterministic topics relating to the mechanics of the waves...

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