Marine Science & Oceanography


The book provides readers with the remarkably comprehensive explanation of the processes of photosynthesis relating to the special environment where the marine plants live. It has been evaluated by the readers as a detailed, very professional and really up-to-date publication which is nicely written and is also very easy to follow regardless if it is used by students or professionals.

In the first part of the publication the authors introduce the readers to the wide range of the existing and known photosynthesizing organisms among the sea habitats, including the algae, phytoplankton living in open sea waters, different marine angiosperms and others. The authors have also considered the evolutionary origins of the above stated marine organisms.

Then, they have discussed some of the specific properties of the sea water for sustaining the primary production, and examined the two key differences between marine and terrestrial environments in supporting both plant growth and the process of photosynthesis.

This part of the book is followed by the discussion about the needs of the plants for the enhancement of their inorganic supply of carbon, and the description of how the mechanisms concentrating such carbon dioxide function in various marine plants. The third part is dealing with the ways in which the process of photosynthesis can be treated as a proxy for the growth and productivity of marine plants.  

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The present identification guide is using composite plates of photos readers with proper identification of the offshore marine wildlife, meaning the things that you can see at sea, be they sharks, whales, dolphins, birds, sea lions, or jellyfish. Once you have a name, numerous other resources will help you learn more about the creatures that inhabit the oceans. But that all-important handle, a species name, is the first step in the cascade of knowledge.

This book is an easily accessible and brief guidance covering virtually ass see mammals as well as the sea birds. The descriptions provided by the author are very clear and the photographs are clear.  The reader all around the world have already this work amazingly useful since it is quite small but yet complete. The illustrations are perfect and cover all species.

Great and easily understandable descriptions made this book so popular among the professionals and enthusiasts. In fact, this is the only guide to the offshore sea life having such a compact size, providing about three hundred images and the wording that is suitable even for the beginners. We recommend it to be used as a quick and very handy reference tool for the naturalists conducting the boat trips...

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Today, the world ocean affects the lives of all people, and the author of the present volume, Tom Garrison, has made an excellent attempt to show all readers how exactly it does. He is taking readers on a very interesting exploration of the ocean, covering all important areas such as global warming and changing coastlines, zoo-plankton and plastics problem which is growing quite dangerously. The Hurricane Katrina together with earthquake in the Indian Ocean have also been addressed.

This book will be very useful for people willing to gain a good and thorough understanding of the ocean wonders and get the correct answers to the specific questions surrounding it with the remarkably fascinating text presented in the publication. The material included by the author brings the basics and goes a bit further and has been accompanied by numerous informative illustrations and images making it so easy to understand.

We would for sure say that it will be equally ideal for people first introduced to the science of oceanography and to ones trying to evolve their knowledge. The book incorporates many basic elements of geology and meteorology making a great and useful addition to the library of any person with the interest in marine science and oceanography.

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This publication was prepared to familiarize readers with the major techniques of the optical ocean sensing. It is mainly covering the most important topics relating to optical monitoring as well as sensing applications and is expected to be equally suitable for managers and professionals in all related disciplines.

Bearing in mind the variety of the specialized areas in the oceanography science, it was nearly impossible for the author to include all of them in the single tutorial so the main emphasize was made on the science and reasons behind specific approaches and methods without getting too deep into the details of issues. The volume contains a pretty explanatory text presenting the very major techniques of the optical sensing of the ocean.

The publication will definitely be found suitable for both pros and managers in the relevant fields, plus for the students with the serious interest in exploration of the career in ocean engineering or remote ocean sensing. The book opens with some short overview of the key branches of ocean research, and this would include the geo-oceanography, covering chemical, physical, biological and other related aspects. That is why we would not limit the target group for this volume with the people mentioned above.  

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The initial purpose of the authors of the present edition of the NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 was to provide the interested readers with the maximum amount of the useful information. We know that the weather does have the nearly magical hold on the mariners and any change in the weather is always noted with some sense of trepidation. That is why reporting weather is considered critically important for the safety of mariners and it also forms a part of the knowledge.

The present book has four chapters - program description, ship's synoptic code and observing methods, transmitting the weather observation, the weatherwise marines. Apart from that, the Glossary is included describing the terminology used throughout the publication. The material is supplemented with three appendices addressing observing forms and supplies, conversion factors and equivalents, and interpretation of weather map symbols.

The publication has been presented in the "field guide" format allowing for easy handling and use as quick reference tool. The authors who have compiled the document hoped that the material included in the volume would simplify the work of the readers in the field of weather observation. It is very easy to locate the info you are looking for in this book.

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This book has been prepared by Hans-Gerhard Ramming aiming to cover all applications of the numerical modeling to various dynamic processes, as it is stated in the title. The information included by the author into this volume will definitely be found useful by all persons involved in various fields of marine science, oceanography and hydroengineering. The publication has been divided in eight major chapters.

The first chapter is mainly dedicated to the general differential equations of hydrodynamics - the system of such equations is formed by four of them, three of them are corresponding to the velocity and one to the pressure... Three chapters that follow are describing the steady motion, covering both numerical methods and providing some oceanographical examples, as well as ones for unsteady motion. The numerical treatment of tides has been addressed in the separate chapter, together with the various models of tidal rivers and shallow coastal waters.

The author has also paid particular attention to the application of the transport equations and periodic motion. The list of relevant figures is there at the end of the book. As it can be seen, the publication covers literally all important topics and can therefore be recommended to all people involved in marine hydrodynamics.

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Since the very time when the initial release of the present publication was first introduced, i.e. around forty years back, it has already found a worldwide acceptance as a very reliable and remarkably detailed source of relevant technical information. And this second release of the volume, significantly revised and extended to include some of the additional info and keep the book duly updated with the latest relevant technological advances.

This release of the book is reflecting the rapid pace of both methodological and instrumental evolution that took place in the preceding decades. It shall be noted that this volume shall not be treated as an authors' attempt to cover all aspects of the analytical marine chemistry; is should rather be looked at a good and comprehensive attempt of the authors to describe in detail various methods they have already introduced and/or refined and that yielded reproducible enough results in day-to-day work.

This publication may definitely be recommended to all researchers of marine science, taking in due consideration the all wealth of technical info that has provided by the authors as well as its topicality. The students of marine science would also find this volume quite useful when used as a reference source.​

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In the present popular and useful publication, the authors have perfectly presented a very thorough topical research in the study of the eco-systems as well as economic significance and potential threats to the environment of the Mediterranean Sea region. Among the topics that have been covered within this volume, there are the necessity for the business-oriented and economic approach to the associated ecosystem services.

The publication also addresses the matters of marine pollution caused by the shipwrecks located at the bottom of the sea and various effects of the PFW, standing for the so-called "produced formation water" on the marine environment in the subject region. In addition to above, the authors have paid particular and close attention to the environmental modeling plan covering both construction and operation of the marine terminal for the re-gasifying of the LNG in the North Adriatic Sea, and they have also dealt with the study of various biologically active peptides from the venom of the cone snail conus ventricosus in the Mediterranean Sea. In short, this title is expected to be of great practical use for all people having serious interest in this geographic area, together with its ecological system and existing threats to the environment.

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