
Another volume of those belonging to the world famous and popular Reed’s Marine Engineering series of books, and this one is going to provide engineers with all necessary technical information related to the heat and heat engines. The author of the book concentrated on the essential principles of the matter, and provided the text with the numerous illustrative and informative sketches.

It is a perfect tool for preparation to the examinations for the first- and second-class engineers. The content is full of the problems and examples, and each of them is provided with the detailed and explained solutions. There are as many as fifteen chapters in the book, starting from the common terminology and units, and the general info on the heat, thermal expansion and heat transfer.

Then, the students will read about the laws governing the behavior of the perfect gases, their compression/expansion, cycles etc. after that it is time to start with the internal combustion engines, boilers, reciprocating engines, turbines, and so forth.

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Here is an exhaustive collection of the “Review of Maritime Transport” publications issued by the UNCTAD, or the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, since 1968. It will be of the great interest to all people involved in the international maritime shipping industry as, prepared by the recognized professionals of the world respected entity, it will allow reader to chase the developments that took place within the shipping throughout the past decades.

Needless to day that the content of each of the releases included in the pack, shall be highly recommended to everyone directly or indirectly engaged in the industry, and willing to be kept updated with all latest happenings and historical trends.

Made of the fifty-three volumes, this collection is the must have on the table or on the computer of any marine person. It also incudes a special volume released back in 2018 and providing the general coverage of the past fifty years, including the most important events. Get yourself a copy.

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Nowadays, talking of the maritime industry, we consider the innovation as one of the factors enabling the competitive advantage in the business of shipping. The increasing number of entities focus on doing their best to satisfy the demands of their consumers in terms of both qualitative and innovative products and provided services. This is mainly done through the application of the innovative methods to the supply chains, which, in turn, can be done by either technology- or non-technology-based methods.

The present volume contains a perfect collection of the works by the industry professionals, contributing to the above stated research fields, covering the methods and solutions, including the practices applied for the supply chain management. Among the topics addressed in this book there are the open service innovations as applied to the logistics, accelerating the innovation uptake, info flow analysis, computing dynamic routes, required security measures, problems associated with problems of the finite-time horizon logistics, critical success factors, control and monitoring, firm effectiveness and so many others.

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Use your chance to get the collection of the training videos from one of the most recognized sailing training providers. This is an excellent learning tool, especially for those making their first steps in sailing, as it provides the basic information in the different areas, making the coverage truly impressive.

The video lessons are arranged in eight sections, starting with the navigation aids, where the learners will get necessary information about the buoys and beacons, IALA buoyage system, light characteristics etc. Then they will proceed to the meteorology lessons including the weather information sources, Beaufort scale, interpretation of the weather fax etc.

The navigation is covered within the third section, including the navigation basics, plotting tools, compasses, nautical charts, dead reckoning and position fixing, passage plan, and shaping a course. Next is a lesson on anchoring, followed by the section addressing safety at sea, fire prevention and PF, standing for the personal flotation devices, MOB, or man overboard, distress signals, helicopter rescue, and liferafts. The COLREGs are dealt with in the separate section, while the remaining two cover the tides and currents, and GMDSS and electronics used onboard.

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The main intention of the author of the present title, Alfredo C. Robles, Jr. was to provide good coverage of the principal decision made during the Tribunal court held in South China Sea Arbitration in connection with operating of the law enforcement vessels in a manner that led to the potential collision with the ships belonging to the Philippine fleet back in 2012.

The detailed explanation of the provisions of the COLREG has been provided together with the incidents, involving the layperson’s terminology. The author has presented a detailed analysis of the violations which were done by the China vessels of the aforementioned collision prevention regulations based on the content of the previously classified documentation as well as the outcome of the technical works conducted by the experts in the field.

The research made by the author is really impressive as the sources of information used when preparing this report included numerous documents and reports in five languages, contributing in the holistic picture of what did happen and why. The volume will be interesting not only to the marine lawyers but actually to anybody willing to keep in the loop of the happenings in the industry and their underlying reasons.

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Have some rest and enjoy reading one of the most fascinating novels, one of the latest works by the world famous and popular writer Samuel Marquis. According to the hundreds of reviews submitted by those who have already read this one, reading it is a genuine pleasure. The content of the book is not only interesting but also perfectly grounded from the historical point of view.

It should not be looked at as only assort of historical thriller; it should rather be treated as a brilliant source of information about some chapters of the history of the World War Two, that are not well known to the broad audience. You are definitely encouraged to acquaint yourself with the titles by Samuel Marquis, and the “Blackbeard: The Birth of America” is a good one to start with.

The readers from all parts of the world say that his novels are never boring and they always feature historical truth. In addition to that, his works are so informative and fascinating that they can be easily recommended to all readers, but first of all to those loving sea and adventures. Get your copy and spent a couple of evenings with this nice and interesting novel – you will not get disappointed, and will want to find more of his books, we promise.

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Here is one of the most practically useful publications of all available at our website – the seventh edition of the world known and widely used Marine Stores Guide issued by the IMPA, standing for the International Marine Purchasing Association in the year of its fortieth anniversary.

There are more than six thousands new codes added to the content of the Guide since the previous edition, and this was made to duly reflect the newly imposed requirements, regulations, as well as the constantly changing environmental and industry needs. The present release encompasses more than fifty thousand different products, each of them perfectly detailed and supplemented with the technical specifications, product info and illustrations.

There are also the tables included in the content of the Guide for easier comparison across major product manufacturers. This and other newly implemented features make the Guide a brilliant and really invaluable source of reference and information for anyone in the maritime industry, including the operators and owners of the vessel – the reader-friendliness is truly remarkable. The editors of the Guide do trust that the publication will continue serving the needs of the whole marine community.

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This is the second part of the excellent course of maritime English taught at the Greek Merchant Marine Academy. The coverage of the course is absolutely impressive and includes virtually all areas situations to be encountered by the future mariners. The material of this part of the course is arranged in fifteen are invited to discuss the case of grounding of the Astral vessel, share the associated information and analyze it.

In the second unit, the importance of the English as a common communication tool is explained, together with the cultural norms and possible differences, miscommunications etc. The third unit is dealing with the ship operations, particularly anchoring, preparation for departure and arrival, and pilotage, while the fourth unit addresses the safety aspects including the provisions of the ISM Code, risk assessment, maintenance, bridge checklists etc.

The rest of the volume covers such the important aspects as the safety of navigation, maritime security, chartering, insurance, navigation aids and associated systems, emergency response, watches, carriage of the dangerous goods on board, interactions with the Port State Control inspectors and so many others. Note that the first part of the course is also available and you are encouraged to use both as a set.

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