Here is another part of the training series focusing on the important aspects of survival on board any vessel and reinforcing all seafarers as this training should supplement the survival manual of the ship. The content of the training is representing the up-to-date advice provided by the MCA and IMO organizations, detailing the procedures that shall be followed by the crew members and passengers if commercial and cargo ships.
They can be watched either individually or as a training set. This particular part of the training program is dealing with the liferafts. It demonstrates the proper methods to be used for launching both davit-launched and throw-over liferafts. The content of the video is also addressing the established and effective procedures for embarkation and launching these rafts from the vessel and will also show the trainees what to do for the most rapid deployment.
Three other parts of the training series address the lifeboats, mustering and survival & rescue. This training will be very useful and interesting for anyone working or planning to work at sea since it covers all important aspects of construction, operation, launching and maintenance of shipboard survival equipment.
 One more video of four-part set. While three other parts of the training package cover the lifeboats, liferafts and survival & rescue, this one has been solely devoted to mustering. The present video film starts with the attempt of its authors to address the fundamental question - why do people muster?
The content of the video details how the mustering should be conducted, how we should account for every person on board the vessel, and, what is maybe the most important matter, what tasks and jobs are normally allocated to each of the crew members and how these tasks and jobs should be carried out. We would strongly recommend all our visitors to download all four parts of this training set and watch them very carefully.
They do contain lots of valuable information about the construction features, launching and operation as well as the maintenance of the vital pieces of shipboard survival arrangements. It goes without saying that knowing how the survival items shall be used and being fully aware of the procedures to be followed in case of an emergency may save your life and lives of someone else. And these videos prepared by the world leading and recognized specialists will provide valuable assistance in your training process.
 This is the closing part of the training set consisting of four videos providing a good coverage of the shipboard survival items and techniques. Three other video films are dealing with the lifeboats, liferafts and mustering and are also available. As you can see, the first three parts of the training package focus on the process of abandoning the vessel and advise how to do this safely.
This fourth part is addressing what happens straight after the survival, It demonstrates the life in a lifeboat and in the liferaft providing required and valuable advice on how to apportion the food available in the survival craft taking into account the number of people on board, what measures shall be taken to prevent seasickness of the passengers, and how to collect water, which is also the matter of utmost importance.
The authors of the video look into such survival detection equipment items as SART and EPIRBs. The video concludes with location of the rescue parties - in this section you will get to know what steps shall be made to increase the chances of being rescued by the chopper or vessel in the safe and efficient way. This training set is definitely one of the best training sources available today featuring excellent and easily understandable material.
 The present video is a part of the Personal Safety On Board Ships series consisting of the training booklet dealing with the personal safety on board ships in general and several interesting and informative video films addressing the personal safety on tankers, chemical tankers, general cargo ships, container vessels, bulk carriers, and in the various areas of the vessel such as the galley and the engine room, as well as on deck.
The authors of this particular training video tried to underline that it is very important to think about the safety not only when working but also when having rest or sleep before and after working hours on board. The accident can easily happen outside your working hours and do not necessarily occur when you are working. In the accommodation there are specific risks, such as the fires from smoking, slippery surfaces and many other potential hazards.
That is why due attention shall be paid by all people on board to the personal safety as failure in protecting your own safety can easily result in the danger to the other crew members and the vessel. Have a look and take the advices provided by the instructors, we are quite sure this will lead to the increase of your safety awareness.
 This is another part of the series coming under Personal Safety On Board Ships title and comprising of the training booklet with general instructions, accompanied by the several videos dealing with the personal safety on different types of ships such as tankers and container vessels, chemical tankers, general cargo ships and bulk carriers, plus addressing the safety precautions to be taken by the crew members in different compartments and areas, such as the accommodation and engine room, and on deck.
The galley is not safe place to work and every person working there shall be fully aware of all hazards presented. For example, they have to be very careful when using mechanical cutters since any little distraction of their attention may eventually lead to the serious consequence including injuries. There is no galley without knives - they shall also be treated with care when you use or clean them. There are ovens and deep fryers that not only present the immediate hazard of burn; their incorrect and inaccurate use can lead to the fire on board.
In general, people shall understand that there are established procedures or what and how should be done in the galley and all of those procedures shall be followed. This will allow to have safe working conditions in the galley and eliminate the hazards to the people working there.
 One more part of the Personal Safety On Board Ships set made of this training booklet supplemented with numerous videos on the personal safety on tankers and chemical tankers, container ships and general cargo ships and also addressing required safety precautions in the accommodation and engine room, in the galley and on deck, and all of the modules are equally recommended for familiarization to any mariner.
The present video will show them how most common types of shipboard accidents occurring on bulk carriers can be avoided. The typical hazards on such vessels are associated with entering enclosed spaces, not wearing proper PPE, failing to follow non-smoking policy in the vicinity of hatches plus other risks commonly associated with transportation of specific cargoes.
Each of the risks mentioned above is depicted as a sort of temptation - usually people try to save time cutting corners - and this is where the hazard arises. The trainees are invited to check if they would have given in to such temptations. And then they will see the potential consequences of such behavior. After that, the procedures will be provided which, when followed, will help to ensure safety on board...
 This part of the popular Personal Safety On Board Ships series is dealing with the personal safety of crew members working on the container vessels. We recommend you to have a close look into the associated training booklet and all other parts of the video training set - they are covering all matters of the personal safety on tankers, bulk carriers, chemical tankers, general cargo ships and also address specific safety matters in the accommodation, galley, engine room and on deck, since all of them are important.
This video will demonstrate the common hazards that are there on the container vessels. In fact, it is telling the story of a person who fell down because he did not use a portable ladder. He lay for long time but someone could find him easier if he told other crew members that he was planning to go and do some job on deck during the night time. This case has been seriously analyzed in order to understand the reasons and prevent same from happening.
In addition, the content of the video deals with other hazards associated with transportation of the containers - you will see how important it is to keep to approved routes in the terminals, keep clear of containers and not walk along the working side of the vessel...
 The part of the Personal Safety On Board Ships series presented to your attention is devoted to the personal safety on general cargo ships. It is best when used for training together with the training booklet on personal safety on board ships and other films in this series dealing with the safety in different compartments of the ship, namely in the accommodation and in the galley, on deck and in the engine room, and covering the personal safety on different types of ships including tankers and chemical tankers, container vessels and bulk carriers.
Please pay close attention to all modules contained in the set. This film will show the potential consequences of compromising safety on board general cargo ships. The authors of the video are going through the most common hazards directly associated with the movement of cargo carried on board general cargo vessels.
Moving cargoes, wires and hooks, dunnage and nails can represent serious hazards to the people on board and shall be taken into account as necessary. Another danger is associated with working out of sight of other people. Moreover, leaking hazardous materials also present hazard and require particular safety precautions to be taken.